Opportunities for Distributors
Safety Reflectors are a responsible product, helping to save lives and provide you with fantastic PR. We work with sectors such as;
- TV and Radio Stations
- Local Authorities and Councils
- Charities and Fund Raisng
- Road Safety, Transport & Travel
- Insurance & Financial
- Food & Drink
- Police, Fire & Emergency Services
- Sports Events & Leisure
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Utility and Energy Suppliers
- Arts, Media and Entertainment
- Pre-Schools, Schools, Sure Start Centres
and Early Years
In fact any organisation or business that deals with people. The list is endless... a safety reflector is not quickly discarded, it is used and appreciated by people who value the safety element it can bring to themselves and their loved ones.
We have been working with Business Gift Distributors since 1999 offering reflectors as a mainstream alternative to traditional items, fulfilling orders for campaigns and promotions ranging from as little as 250 to over 3 million items. We are here to help you gain new business and market share, so next time your client is thinking of something a little different suggest an attachable collectable prismatic Reflector!
Available in an extensive range of shapes and colours, including FULL COLOUR with great quality, opening up many possibilities with existing and new customers. Our in-house print facility gives excellent option for fast turnaround requirements.
Our Soft Reflective products are printed full colour as standard and can be totally bespoke. Scroll through our range and see for yourself. The only limitation is your client's imagination!
To suggest a gift that could save a life is not just good business sense, it says something about your organisation too, ask for our Price List today! We also provide great image and information support tor distributors - see bottom of this page.

Halloween Safety Reflector Range

C h r i s t m a s a n d S p o r t s T h e m e s r a n g e c o m i n g s o o n !
G r e a t f o r s e a s o n a l s h e l f f i l l i n g .
Become a Distributor and get FREE Scanglo Support
Scanglo offer distributors a package of emailable graphics to help gain more Reflector sales. These are designed to be customised for you by us to include your company logo and contact information.
Shown below is a sample range of the graphics currently have avaialble, but please bookmark this page as further designs will be added from time to time.
Simply choose any that you think are appropriate to your customers and let us know.
We will then send you by return the files which you can use totally FREE either for use within your seasonal email newsletters as a standalone campaign, or within emails to key customers.
In addition Scanglo also make available individual Reflector images for use on your website or as an image bank for you to keep and use as required to inform clients.
Email sales@scanglo.co.uk for further information and distributor pricing.